Saturday, 18 October 2014

Week 8 (13th Oct -19th Oct)

My boy is 2 months old!!! 2 months!!

Well this week was like a milestone to me, it felt like such a far of possibility, but suddenly it is here. Another month complete and again more struggles with falling asleep this week. Aydin is still not letting himself fall asleep easily, there is crying and screaming before any peace and quiet. 

But on a more positive and 'a make everything worthwhile kinda way' he is smiling lots more. Nearly every morning he is giving us a glimpse of what a gorgeous little smile he has or will have when he does it more often (am I too hopeful?). At the moment I seem to catch him smiling with himself more than he actually smiles at any attempts I make at being funny (not easy being funny to a 8 week old). 

This week was also Aydins first immunisation, why didn't anyone warn me how heartbreaking this would be? My poor little one screamed so loud I was almost reduced to tears myself. What made it worse was having him screaming and then been given a second jab on the other leg. Oh and what makes it even worse still is that it will get done two more times in the next few months. :( I will try not to think about this too much, but I am dreading it. As a consequence of these jabs his Friday and Saturday were spent mostly sleeping. He had a bit of a temperature which luckily went down by removing a few layers (blankets and pyjamas). 

I spent more than half the week with a horrendous cough/cold which developed into all the symptoms in one day but thankfully looks set to disappear fairly quickly. Not before making me feel very miserable for the first time since giving birth and being pregnant. Frankly I can't remember the last low. Being sick and having a little one demanding every bit of your concentration and attention is not easy. All I wanted was Hal to be with me all the time and to take over with the baby as much as a possible.

Anyway, to conclud this week was a bit tough on me but was made bare-able by my little ones lovely smile and by some serous tears when the going got tough. By the end of the week my low was over and my baby turned 2 months old. 

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